
Interview with Bishop Bernard Fellay, FSPX

clipped from www.dici.org

With the lifting of the decree of excommunication, the doctrinal discussions will be taking place between Rome and the Fraternity of St. Pius X. What is the goal of these discussions?
The goal that we wish to achieve with these doctrinal discussions is an important clarification in the teaching of the Church in recent years. Indeed, the Fraternity Saint Pius X, in union with its founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, had serious objections to the Second Vatican Council and we hope that the discussions will help to dispel the errors or the severe ambiguities that have since been spread with full hands throughout the Catholic Church, as John Paul II himself recognized.

We must be realistic. The return, the restoration of the church will take time. The crisis in the Church has affected all aspects of Christian life. To come out of this situation will take more than a generation of constant effort in the right direction – perhaps a century.

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