
Islamic countries push a global 'blasphemy' law

clipped from www.csmonitor.com

As a new member of the UN Human Rights Council, the US must persuade other countries not to go along.

Remember the Danish "Muhammad cartoons" that set off riots by offended Muslims more than three years ago? The debate pitted
freedom of press and speech against notions of freedom from insult of one's religion. It rages still – but now in a forum
with international legal implications.

For years, Islamic nations have succeeded in passing "blasphemy" resolutions at the United Nations (in the General Assembly
and in its human rights body). The measures call on states to limit religiously offensive language or speech. No one wants
their beliefs ridiculed, but the freedom to disagree over faith is what allows for the free practice of religion. The resolutions
are misguided, but also only symbolic, because they're nonbinding.

Symbolism no longer satisfies the sponsor of these resolutions

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