‘Far-right proposals to ban minarets are divisive, reactionary and in line with the 'Clash of Civilisations' agenda, which hands over 'Muslims' or those labelled as such to the political Islamic movement and denies the universality of the demand to live a life worthy of the 21st century. Believing in Islam or any religion for that matter is not a crime. What are crimes, however, are groups or individuals using religion to threaten people to death, intimidate them, violate their rights, and discriminate against them. Society has to address these crimes and prosecute those who threaten or terrorise people - not ban minarets! ‘Political Islam is a political phenomenon that demands a political response. This response must include targeting the discrimination, abuse and criminal acts that take place against children in Islamic schools, against citizens in Sharia councils and tribunals, against apostates and freethinkers, gays and women who are killed in the name of honour...’ |
The AGM unanimously adopted a statement expressing the organisation’s concern over the Swiss vote to ban minarets.
Interessantes Statement. Nur was wollen Muslime (oder gar Ex-Muslime) überhaupt mit Minaretten an europäischen Moscheen? Sie werden doch ohnehin nicht zum Ausrufen benutzt. Wenn die hiesigen Minarette nur dekorative Bedeutung hätten, wäre die Aufregung der Muslime (und Ex-Muslime) nicht verständlich. Also haben die Minarette Symbolwert. Nur welchen? Warum sind viele europäische Moscheen nach Mehmet II. benannt? - Fatih-Moschee