»Nichts ist gut in Afghanistan.« Ein in der Tat missverständlicher Satz aus der Neujahrspredigt von Margot Käßmann hat für Wirbel gesorgt. Die einen unterstellten ihr, sie habe den sofortigen Abzug der Bundeswehr aus Afghanistan gefordert und scholten sie dafür. Das hat sie freilich nie gesagt. Die anderen freuten sich über eine Bischöfin, die endlich mal wieder klar gegen den Krieg Stellung bezieht. Allein die Bischöfin selbst war baß erstaunt über die heftigen Reaktionen, die ihre erbauliche Predigt zum neuen Jahr ausgelöst hat. Habe sie doch nichts Revolutionäres sagen wollen, sondern nur das, was die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland immer schon zu Krieg und Frieden gesagt habe. Und was ist das, die kirchliche Botschaft zu Krieg und Frieden? Nun man kann sagen, dass das ein entschiedenes Sowohl-als-Auch ist. Oder anders gesagt: Man hat große Bedenken im Generellen und noch größere Ratlosigkeit im Speziellen. |
Christoph Fleischmann: Die Evangelische Kirche zum Afghanistan-Krieg - Bitte wegtreten!
Margot, Margot...
![]() Patriarch Kirill I. kritisierte die Wahl von Käßmanns und warf der EKD eine Mitschuld am Werteverfall in der Gesellschaft vor. ![]()
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Rat der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland: Die Stuttgarter Schulderklärung (1945)
Bishop Fellay’s Conference at Paris, January 8-10, 2010
The situation in the Church is truly a nightmare, it’s truly a great tragedy The boat is sinking; humanly speaking, the Church is lost; humanly speaking, the Church is not recovering—notice that I say, humanly speaking, for we know that there are the promises of God, so that she is going to recover. |
“Ignorance” the Cause of the Fear of Islam according to Cardinal Tauran
While several european countries are currently debating the visibility of Islam, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran declared to the press agency I.Media that for many this fear is born of “ignorance”. Questioned on the growing “fear” in Europe with respect to Islam, as seen in the reactions in the debate over the burka and the minarets, Cardinal Tauran affirmed that “the problem in these affairs” is the “ignorance of the people who are opposed to Islam”. “These are people”, laments the French cardinal, “who have never encountered Muslims and who form their opinions based on what they see and hear on television.” Cardinal Tauran also deplores “the general lack of culture, especially of religious culture” in the political European world. Recalling to mind that “most Muslims are not terrorists”, the president of the pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue invites us to “see them as partners”. (DICI n°209, Feb. 6, 2010 – Source: Imedia) |
Beatification of Pope Pius XII provokes controversy
On 19 December Pope Benedict XVI authorized the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints to promulgate the decree acknowledging the “heroic virtues” of two of his predecessors, Pius XII (1939-1958) and John Paul II (1978-2005). The publication of the decree acknowledging the heroic virtues of Pius XII surprised more than one observer. Last June the postulator for the cause of the Pope of the Second World War confided to the press that the German Pope preferred not to sign the decree of beatification of his predecessor lest the relations between Jews and Catholics be “compromised. Today the question as to whether or not the project will be brought to completion has become the symbol of what Benedict XVI will do with his pontificate |
SSPX: "Christian unity, the response to a silent apostasy?"
In his homily, the Pope continued on the theme of the week of prayer as an “invitation to be witnesses of the risen Christ, according to the mandate confided to His Disciples”. He explains that “this wish to proclaim Christ to others and to announce His message of forgiveness stumbles upon a contradiction, which is the division among Christians.” This is why, continues the Pope, “the unity and communion of Christ’s disciples are therefore an essential condition to increase the credibility and effectiveness of their witness.” Concerning the link between the ecumenism promoted by the Second Vatican Council and the “silent apostasy” denounced by Pope John Paul II in the apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Europa (28 June 2003), Bishop Bernard Fellay sent a study to all the cardinals of the Catholic Church we read that “ecumenism generates relativism towards the faith”. Bishop Fellay writes that “this ecumenism has destroyed the most beautiful treasures of the Church |
Mythological politics and thinking of the Far-Right and the TeaBaggers
This is the key to understanding the otherwise inexplicable accusations by the populist right that Barack Obama is a socialist or fascist or whatever, as well as fantasies about a global secular humanist conspiracy |
As in other cases of mythological politics, like messianic Marxism, this kind of thinking is resistant to argument. If you disagree, then that simply proves that you are part of the conspiracy. Inconvenient facts can be explained away by the true believers. It's hard to come up with arguments that would persuade people who think that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are totalitarians to change their mind.
Der Monat Adar
Gestern begann im jüdischen Kalender der Monat Adar, in dem auch das Purimfest, der jüdische Karneval, gefeiert wird. Die Rabbiner sagen: "Im selben Maße, in dem man im Monat Aw, dem Monat der Tempelzerstörung, die Freude vermindert, so bringt der Monat Adar, der Monat von Purim, eine Steigerung der Freude."Quelle: Newsletter hagalil.com, 2010-02-16
Doch auch im Adar liegt neben dem Glück das Wissen um die Vergänglichkeit und die stete Bedrohung des Lebens. Der 7. Adar ist nicht nur Geburts-, sondern auch Todestag unseres Lehrers Moscheh, der 120 Jahre alt wurde.
G'tt selbst hat ihn an einem unbekannten Ort bestattet. Im Judentum soll es nämlich keinen heiligen Boden und keine Grabstätten als Orte der Anbetung geben. Bis heute ist die Ablehnung jedes Götzenkults zentrale Botschaft und Forderung. Dabei ist es egal, ob man tote Gegenstände, Gräber, Steine, Statuen oder auch lebende Idole mit übermenschlicher Macht ausstattet. Anders ausgedrückt: Du sollst dich nicht niederwerfen, sondern aufstehen und Verantwortung übernehmen - für dich und die Umwelt.
Women's Art from the Islamic World
Such stereotypes were particularly grating to the cosmopolitan women of the Middle East who found their own identities obscured by misconceptions and ignorance. To set the record straight, a Jordanian princess, Wijdan Ali, and an artist friend, Aliki Moschis-Gauguet, organized a show of more than 50 paintings, drawings and works on paper by women from predominantly Islamic countries. |
What Would Jesus Think of the Religious Right?
Southern Baptist Pastor Wiley Drake Drake said he and his prayer warriors had been praying for Murtha’s death for four or five months. Here is Drake talking to Alan Colmes last June.